Why would anyone choose to be a Hermit, for God's sake? Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful; and loving infusion of God, which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the spirit of love. GOD enlightens the soul, making it see not only its misery and meanness, but also his grandeur and majesty. Thus out of this night springs first the knowledge of oneself, and on that, as a foundation, is built up the knowledge of God. St. John of the Cross It is for God's sake, and the God within. The value of the life of the Hermit is in their dedication to living a life loving God above all things. To be more specific about Catholic Hermits, the lifestyle is rooted in Ancient times when monks went into the desert and on mountaintops, like Mount Carmel, to dedicate their lives to contemplating God. In ancient Ireland holy hermits were revered and many were women. In modern times the word hermit is associated with someone who is anti-social. In my case it is just the opposite, I love to be involved in everything. But it is God's choosing of me to live a life of solitude that I have responded to. It ultimately is the soul's awakening which responds to God's call. It has taken me a long time to really accept that this is where my true calling lies. Hermits are not outcasts; just the opposite, a Hermit that is called by God to devote themselves to a life of prayer is an integral part of the life of the Church. It is in solitude she reaches her full potential, the potential to love and freedom to reach out to others with that love. I would like to thank the members of the Church who have recognized my vocation and responded. It is with their support that God's providence has been supplied and this hermitage created. May God bless all and may you find that place where peace and joy live.
