TRANSFORMED I don't mind being God's transformed stinkweed. Now I know that I am God's little flower, just like Therese and Elizabeth, and kudos to them for learning very early in life that they were loved and, in turn, loved and devoted their very short lives to God. But most of us have to travel the road of the stinkweed, before we are transformed into a little flower. I just thank God, and am so grateful, that He has revealed His Love to my heart. It took me a long time to accept that I was so loved, but God never gave up on me. That is why I now have the confidence to devote the rest of my life to loving Him only. I would think that most of us fall into this category if we are honest with ourselves. I used to be jealous of these beautiful Saints, but now, I have realized that we all have lessons to learn in this life and somehow God or we create the circumstances we need to fulfil our destiny. If we don't give up that is. Thank you, Lord, to giving me the grace to persevere. I used to ponder on reincarnation and my resignation to the suffering in this life was that I had brought it upon myself, karma, you know. Funny, though, God led me to the Catholic faith and from the faith it was revealed to my soul the value of suffering. Everything in my life from the time of my birth conspired to keep me away from God and indeed, the ability to accept human love. Abuse, lack of love and nuturing, neglect, non-practicing Christian parents, taught me from birth that this was indeed a cruel and unloving world I had entered. Yet for some reason my little feet always carried me to a Christian church and from the time I was old enough to walk by myself, or with my older brother, we trotted off to a neighborhood church to learn about God. I continued this practice all though my childhood, even after my brother died. I sang in the children's choir and even as a teenager was asked by the Episcopal priest to start an EYO group. But I had been so terribly wounded by the abuse that later in life it became difficult to even live this life. Relationships became fractured as I searched for God and the place where I would find peace. It is here in the heart of my Beloved I have found peace. |